In a significant move within Kansas politics, Derek Schmidt, the former Attorney General of Kansas, has officially thrown his hat into the ring for the state's Second Congressional District. This anno...
In a significant turn of events that has sent ripples through the political landscape of southeast Kansas, U.S. Rep. Jake LaTurner has announced that he will not seek reelection, leaving a void in the...
In a series of coordinated announcements that left Kansas' political circles buzzing, Congressman Jake LaTurner, representing the state's 2nd District, has unequivocally declared his intention not to ...
In a decision that underscores the personal sacrifices involved in public service, Kansas Congressman Jake LaTurner has announced he will not seek reelection after his current term ends. LaTurner's sp...
In a move that underscores the evolving priorities of public servants, Kansas GOP Representative Jake LaTurner has announced he will not seek reelection come November. LaTurner’s departure, position...
Updated: June 5, 2024Bill #: 6823Policy Area: Crime and Law EnforcementCongress: 118Type: hrSource: House committee actionsAction Type: CommitteeAction Code: H11000